REDD+ is activities to forest conservation , sustainable forest management, activities to strengthen carbon stock and prevent deforestation in developing countries. The official name is Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation and the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing countries.

Nowadays, about 16% of the global greenhouse gas emissions are derived from carbon stock emissions due to forest reduce and ruin. Conversely, by protecting forests, we can hold down greenhouse gas emissions. Forests are also very effective as global warming countermeasures because they could absorb atmospheric CO2 and accumulate carbon and reduce greenhouse gases.

Now YL Forest is implementing REDD + project in Coastal Protection Forest in Ogan Komering Ilir (hereinafter called OKI) Regency, South Sumatra Province. Since this site is located on the inland side where the afforestation at the tidal flats was carried out since 2006, local people working together are the same members, and the relationship building and cooperation with the local community is completed already.

In order to conducted the REDD + project in Indonesia,we obtained “Environmental Service Permission Business Permission in Protected Forest (IUPJL-HL)” in July 2013.
It is first in Indonesia about got the licence. The term of the business permit is 30 years and able to be extended thereafter.
Since permission of forestry relations in Indonesia domestic could only be acquired by companies and organizations of Indonesian citizenship, we have signed a joint business contract with PT.Tiara Asia Permai, the company with whom we have a relationship since before. The REDD + project is jointly implemented by PT. Tiara Asia Permai and YL Forest.

The REDD + project in OKI Province, South Sumatra, Republic of Indonesia has been named the OKI-REDD+ project. After obtaining the business license in July 2013 and after a preparatory period, we started the project in August 2016. The OKI-REDD+ project will continue to Implement for 30 years from 2016 to 2045.

■Intention to continue project
We are strongly committed to the continuous implementation of this OKI-REDD+ project for 30 years from 2016 to 2045.

■Project overview

Period2016-2045 (30 years)
PlaceOgan Komering Ilir , South Sumatra, Republic of Indonesia
LandProtected forest located in coastal area
Established as a forest preserve by Minister of Forestry in 1986.
AreaArea license : 23,500ha
Distance / widthCoastline distance:Approximately 50kmArea width:Approximately  2.5~15km
Natural situationDeforest and degraded forest in 65% area
Constituent tree speciesMangrove forests and inland tropical forests
DriverIllegal logging due to the development of aquaculture ponds, forest fires, and natural devastation of vegetation due to changes in hydrology
VillageEven before it was established as a protected forest, there have been village formation and residents’ lives, and they make a living by fishing in the ocean.
Activity contentREDD field Patrol to prevent illegal deforestation and fire
Plantation field  Tree planting activities in bare and degraded areas (Mangrove and Jeltong)
Removal of earth and sand to restore hydrology
Introduction of Silvofishery on the site of the former aquaculture pond
Activity systemA base camp has been set up and dedicated staff are stationed there.
Organize local residents, transfer training and technology, and carry out activities with the participation of residents.
Incentives for residents・Cash income from participating in work activities
・Expansion of marine nature and improvement of catch due to forest restoration
・Sustainable aquaculture management by Silvo fishery
・Harvesting and selling Jeltong sap
・Support for community development activities

Project content
In the OKI-REDD+ projet, there are various activities, and each activity is interrelated. We promote the participation of local residents and carry out projects in a way that local residents can enjoy incentives.

A. Signboard installation
Signboard installation on the main traffic routes and boundaries of the area to make well inform of project and area. Signboard installation and replacement work will be carried out once every three years.

B. Forest Patrols
A dedicated patrol team will patrol the project area to prevent and control illegal logging and forest fires. Under the direction of the province administration from 2016 to 2020, it was designated to carry out patrols in the dry season when the risk of forest fires is high, but from 2021 it will be carried out throughout the year. Patrols will be conducted for 30 years during the project period.

C. Satellite images and drone surveillance
In the OKI-REDD+ project area, there are forests that are difficult to access, such as mangrove forests, and in areas that the patrol team cannot reach, we will monitor using satellite images and drone.

D. Installation of a monitoring tower
By installing a monitoring tower, you can monitor areas that are difficult to see from the ground from a high position.

E. Fire-fighting activity
We have a dedicated fire extinguishing team to build capacity. We are preparing to respond immediately in the event of a forest fire.

F. Base camp and dedicated staff deployment
A base camp has been set up in the Sungai Batang village, which is the base of the OKI-REDD+ project, and dedicated staff are stationed there. The base camp and dedicated staff are the contact points for collaboration with Sungai Batang village.

G. Hydrologic Management and Improvement
In the OKI-RED+ project area, there is an area where hydrology is blocked and vegetation is devastated due to the construction of waterways by external businesses in the past and the accumulation of earth and sand. Sediment removal work will be carried out in the area to restore natural hydrology.

H. Mangrove plantation

In the project area, there are 4,557 ha of bare land due to the development of illegal aquaculture ponds and illegal logging. From 2022, we will plant 455 ha of mangrove every year for 10 years. In places where the survival rate is low or where the trees have died, supplementary planting will be carried out the year after planting.

I. Introduction of Silvo Fishery

In the mangrove plantation area 4,557ha, we will introduce Silvo Fishery in 230ha of the former illegally developed aquaculture pond. Silvo fishery will be introduced in 23ha of the 445ha of annual mangrove plantations that will be implemented from 2022, and will be implemented over 10 years. In addition, three years after the completion of mangrove planting in the Silvo Fishery area, we plan to start aquaculture of fish and shrimp marine products.

J. Jeltog plantation
Within the project area, there is a grassland area of 4,998 ha. From 2022, we will plant 499ha of Jelton trees every year for 10 years. In places where the survival rate is low or where the trees have died, supplementary planting will be carried out the year after planting.

K. Participation of residents and capacity building
In the OKI-REDD+ project, we will carry out project activities with the participation of local residents. We have formed an agreement with the village union organization of Sungai Batang village and have signed a contract for work activities. We organize work teams for residents, transfer technology and provide training through on-the-job training, and hold seminars and training tours when necessary.

L. Sustainable village forest management
The OKI-REDD+ project is a protected forest and timber collection is prohibited by law, but Sungai Batang villagers are aware that there is a demand for timber in their daily lives such as houses and fishing gear. Sungai Batang village will set up a forest to legally obtain timber, and after collecting timber, repeat the cycle of reforestation to support sustainable forest management.

M. Utilization of non-wood forest products and by-products
Since the OKI-REDD+ area is a protected forest, timber collection is prohibited by law, but non-timber, such as fruits, is not prohibited. Therefore, we will provide training on the utilization of by-products including fruits and transfer technology to support the generation of additional income for residents and contribute to improving their livelihoods. Since permission is required to sell non-timber forest products, we will also carry out those procedures.

N. Public service support
We provide a part of the base camp as a nursery school site for the village and also support the compensation of nursery teachers. We also provide support for public services in the village, such as environmental education at elementary schools, technical support such as reuse of home farms and plastic waste, and provision of entertainment equipment.

O. Monitoring
We will implement it at the appropriate time according to each activity.

■Financial plan
Financing to continue the OKI-REDD+ project requires income from carbon credits and is currently preparing for VCS registration. We aim to complete VCS registration in 2021 and then create VCS carbon credits. The necessary business funds up to the creation of VCS carbon credits have already been secured by own funds and investment. In addition, with regard to the project funds for the 30 years from 2016 to 2045, there is a prospect that the income from the sale of VCS carbon credits will be sufficient to raise funds.

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